How techies are losing the Apple-FBI privacy fight

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The geeks are approaching the whole Apple vs. FBI battle over encryption and privacy all wrong. This is a golden opportunity to get John Q. Public on board regarding data privacy and online security. But instead, we have a cacophony of conflicting information and noise, and the FBI is winning in the court of public opinion.

It’s high time Jane Q. Citizen got to see a clear example of how the U.S. government is slowly but surely chipping away at personal privacy under the guise of national security. And you couldn’t have a better company standing up to the government: The one behind some of the most popular consumer electronics devices today. There’s none of the squickiness of Google and its constant slurping of data, or Facebook’s desire to collect information about people you know and things you like. Apple is not just a tech company — hate it or love it, Apple is indubitably a lifestyle brand.

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How techies are losing the Apple-FBI privacy fight
Source: Latest Web Security News

Tags: Web Security,
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